Jan 31, 2008

WardrobeFix Saga

Stains! Holes! I was very disappointed to receive such quality clothes from Wardrobe Fix!

I was considering of tagging in their website regarding this issue!
(Click on the picture for a sharper image)

Luckily I emailed them instead :) Alls well and fine now! Good service, Wardrobe Fix!

The sweet young lady behind WardrobFix actually called me up to apologise! How sincere laaah! Whats more surprising and coincidental is that she is from NUS SDE too! A Yr3 Real Estate student! Woohoo! I gonna meet her on Monday for the exchange :)


Think I shd sleep soon, i've been awake for the past 31hrs. Its funny to see my studio mates all shagged and our complexion sucks big time this morning! Anyway its over, and the next time we looked haggard is prolly on the coming Monday, thanks to the interim crit!


PS. I've found a cheaper route to school from home - PIE -> Exit ADAMS RD -> PORTSTOWN FLYOVER -> AYE -> CLEMENTI EXIT 9! It costs even cheaper than the $18.80 before the fare hike! Thank you Joanna my money saver!