May 25, 2009

its been a while

since i wore my specs out for movies;
since i go to movies like how I dress to NTUC;
since i couldn't be bothered with my hair;
since i camwhore!

i think my specs suits him! hello friend, you want to buy from me? :)

the idiot with a sharp nose.

fine! slightly sharper than me only what.

i cant be bothered with my fringe but but he kept complaining that my hair was messy and ask me to try different ways to improve it!

#1: let down and act chio. Obviously, tat-pass la!

he was amazed with my flying hair! HAHA seriously, I couldnt be bothered with my image that night! We were at a little corner in TCC, wasting time before our friends arrive!

#2: go back to our roots and act cheena with plaits! I like it leh but my friend was disgusted lol.

Somehow it ended with the bun again before the movie! Thank god Gina, Roy and Ivan came in time to save us from retard-ing further! We caught the 12:10am Night at the Museum 2, and I personally thought it was so-so. Im not a good movie critic, and I don't like such movies in the first place. HAHAHAHA!

The most unexpected thing happened that night was Ivan drove us all home - back to his home instead! HAHAHHAA! We were all dead beat but left stranded at his house! Friends for 7 years and he just send us all to his home without a word HAHAHHAHAA!

What to do, david n I started to get retard again...

while the rest trying to enjoy the TV show, Heavy Schoolbag or something, and not paying any attention to what I say!


We waited for 90min before Ivan's bro came back with another car that was supposed to send us home. Then we decided to cab home instead since half of Ivan was already playing chess with Grandpa Zhou.

Then why did we waited for 90min in the first place?!!?!? -_-""

Its only when the few of us get together then we tend to do stupid things like this, with no grumbles n grudges though! And its only with them I turn super unglam sometimes HAHAHA! Where to find such friends you tell me!