May 25, 2009


Last Saturday, I had some free time in between 2 appointments so I headed to 8Q, the new extension of Singapore Art Museum (SAM).

i was guided from the SAM by these floor stickers.

the cheerful colours reflects the museum's image of a younger SAM which exhibits more light-hearted art works than its parent.

I found this young artists corner where kids attend art classes. Isnt it inspiring?

I went to this exhibition which showcased the art works of 5 local artists who are based abroad.

Again, i was guided by stickers, this time on the walls.

Ha! I thought the steps were interesting.

The view from the corridors as I proceed from one exhibition to the next.

This was performed in various countries including Germany, Canada and across Asia. The performance artist had the same elements everywhere - water, glasses and movements, thus making the venue the variable. No 2 performances were alike, since ground conditions are different in different countries.

I watched the entire film in the small room. The artist plays all the 16 roles in this film, which was disorienting and uncanny, especially when he appear as different characters in the same scene as shown above. The effect was rather amusing!

If i remember correctly, this one was something about the changes in Singapore. The film was projected on two walls, showing the Singapore life 30 years ago and now. It appeared to be more like a ridicule on the unnecessary changes between now and then, since livelihood and living habits of people depicted in the film, hardly changed.

This exhibition stood out, distinctively because of the carpet grass which engaged your sense the moment you enter the room. The two ceramic-tiled white TV boxes captured the daily moments of the park, near the house where the artist stayed in Shanghai.

Lastly, this was all about capturing sounds if Im not wrong. The artist record sounds at certain places and recreates them to make them familiar yet unfamiliar to the participants.

Im not gifted in appreciating art works but Im definitely interested in how the works are presented. The physical arrangement of every object involves the study of social behaviour, space and proportions. I think that is a part of architecture too! :)

Visit 8Q if you have the time! It is relaxing and calm, away from the hustle and bustle of people and attractive SALES! Most importantly, admission is free!