Aug 12, 2008

My first day in Seoul!

Now then I realised I haven't blog about my first day in Seoul! Welcome to my room in Hanyang University Seoul campus too :)

Imagine my excitement seeing korean language in the plane! Something I've been dreaming for 3 years at least!

Spastic kid spotted beside me!

and i was dumb enough to follow his instructions.

the 2 who go red easily with the slightest bit of alcohol had beer on the plane! I don't paint blue nails...!

Its dawn! Good morning Seoul!

Can you feel my excitement? Come on, its Korea and Yut!

Mr Batman Zhongxian!

Huixian, me, Lirong and Melissa on the bus to our school dormitory!

Welcome to our rooms!

Kudamonos! This is the friendly security guard downstairs!

If only it could stay that neat and clean n bright :)

2 girls to a toilet, what a luxury!

yut's dreamland!

She brought SG Gold Roast over!

Thats where we call our parents whenever we use our int'l calling cards!

And we head for lunch!

Korean characters in cute fonts everywhere!

My first dish in Seoul. Seriously, I forgot the name of it! I was too tired to eat anything that day!

Haha! Ever since this shot Melissa always call the guy my friend!

Hanyang University station! Instead of EZLINK, we use TMONEY!

Korean characters my love!

Alrighto, short post this time coz Im very tired! I went jogging with Nina after work today. It was a good evening spent! We found a new stall selling toast! T-O-A-S-T! I havent eat that for a loooooong time! It tasted so good that I am goin to recomend it to the others! I had strawberry yogurt and a nectarine too.

Im so glad that Jeremy and Ah neh brought me some Singapore laughter today! Talking to people like them makes me sane, seriously!

I wanna eat mooncake. I hope koreans celebrate mooncake festival. I wanna watch Money No Enough 2. My parents went to watch it today! I wanna get ipod touch. Good deal anyone?


Anonymous said...


u got it right this time. its money no enough 2, not xiao hai bu ben 2. webcam with u so fun! so funny. ur beaming face is hilarious!


Yut said...

I love u an!! i bet u do the cocoon face will b damn funny too!! Pls get a webcam soon!!! I need a gd pesticide for the spoiler that is bigger than jeremy's car! LOL

Anonymous said...

HAHA. and u know what? my lecturer this sem for one of my core PFM modules is a korean lecturer. wah he got nice nose. he is tall, fair, handsome. too bad u not in sde to check him out!

but then again, u may see many of the same kind in korea!