Jan 25, 2009

on friendships.

Perhaps it was photo-taking-overload for the past 6 months, I haven't been taking photos since my return. The camera used to be with me 24/7, taking visual records of every event in my life. However these days such shots just seemed meaningless and superficial. If the event and the people are significant enough to be remembered and recorded, I feel that I ought to do that in my brain, and mark that whole experience as delightful memories.

Its about the experience, which is unjustifiable through two-dimensional photographs.

Its about the feelings, which is deeply etched in our hearts.

Photographs are merely catalysts to call out that event which had been neglected at the back of our minds. Sometimes, I felt that I was over reliant on photographs to remember special occasions and people. Overtime, I grew to take great friends around me for granted, till pictures of all the good things these people had done to me resurface before me, then I tell myself to be thankful again.

What a shame. I guess I was never one who could express my emotions well but the recent love from family and friends taught me the meaning of 'actions speak louder than words'.

If I haven't tell you how much I thank you for being such a wonderful friend, it doesn't mean that you arn't appreciated.

If I didn't say how much I have enjoyed your company, it doesn't mean that I would rather be alone.

Thank you folks, for all the very thoughtful and even handmade gifts. Yes Muskebbits, that was for you! Yes Steven, you all win liao! HAHAHA!!

Thank you my friends who spoilt me by fetching me around almost daily and never forget me during meal times and lectures in school.

I will put more effort in our friendship and lead a more balanced life outside architecture! Happy New Year to you!! ^^