Nov 25, 2008

Before the next submission

I decided that I should blog about some school work before people, more likely my parents, accused me of playing > studying in Korea!

The first design project of the semester required us to design a Historical Corridor at the heart of Seoul. We had to design a ~600m long plaza in front of the historical palace, Gyeong Bok Gung. It was my first attempt at urban design and I really enjoy it! I really hope to get Urban as my core design for the next semester =X

The big square is the Palace. Our site is currently the 16-lane wide vehicular road in front of the Palace. We had to redesign these vehicular lanes into a plaza for people to enjoy!

A zoning analysis of the site.

Our studio was divided into 3 groups for the project. I am very lucky to be with Byeong Min, Ji Hyeon and Naiyan! YAY! =D

Each group made their 1:1000 site model for site analysis.

My group even wanted to climb one of the mountains near the site in order to have a birds eyeview of the plaza! Thank god the it was closed that day HAHAHA but we still blamed Byeong Min for the wasted trip MUAHAHA!

Ji Hyeon: We can only gaze at the mountain now!

reads: Mountain entry is closed today. HOW UNLUCKY CAN WE BE LAAH!

Naiyan died upon seeing the sign! HAHAHA! I love this shot! The yellow line seemed to be continuous through Naiyan!

Everyone was tired because the way up to the entry is very steep too!

pose pose pose! Still dare to pose! We almost killed you!

Nevertheless, I must admit that we had some great shots during that failed trekking trip! It was a good bonding exercise too ^^

As time goes by, Professor Paik wanted us to make even BIGGER site model! This time, twice the size!

Remember Sung-il the Mr. 200% Responsible? Yup, he got everyone in e studio to make a huge 1:500 site model! Kudos to Sung-il the Studio Rep!

A 1:500 Gwang Hua Mun (光化门)at the site.

Ji Hyeon, Byeong Min and Su-Ro - SketchUping, chatting and Cadding HAHA!

The conscientious Xin Yu thinking hard for her group's plaza concept! Caught ya!

Ying Ying was disgusted by the sheer size of the site model this time!

Naiyan trying to understand how a Gozilla sees the earth!

After a day of modelling, we finally settle our dinner with delivery service!

My Donkatsu! Food delivery is really common and popular among students here! I wished we have such services in Singapore too! Fastfood delivery are too unhealthy!

TA-DA!!! 1 day, 11 people, 2 foam cutters, countless no. of foam boards!

My mum could tell the Koreans from the Singaporeans! Can you? HAHA!!

While my studio were busy with our site model, lets check out what other studios were doing!

Prof Han's studio was watching FORREST GUMP!!! tsk tsk tsk!!

Lets move to Nina's studio and see what were the Singaporeans doing!

Looked good!

Well, maybe not!!

Okay they were really working then! HAHA!

HAHAHA poor Adriel and his table full of plans! He specially asked me to take a picture of this! Super funny laaaahh Adriel!

As of all projects, this 5-week exercise ended with a crit! And as with all submission, it was sleepless for everyone on the night before crit! HA! THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN KOREA YOU KNOW!

My group's loooooong and costly panel.

A pity there isnt a picture of our plaza design =(

Xinyu's group's plaza design.

Wei Qi's group's plaza design.

While the crit was going on, lets check out some of the audience teeheehee!

above photos credit to Nicole.

We were all tired out by then! I swear its my most sleepy crit! I easily slept through 80% of the crit and the entire History of Western Architecture lecture in between! I didnt even hear the lecturer when he called my name during attendance taking -_- It doesnt help that I woke up with a huge red patch on my cheeks after resting on my arms the entire lecture!

Alright, that marks the end of the first project! Our submission for the 2nd project is coming real soon, stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

your sleeping look is like so....ultimate. classic!

Yut said...

i got a worse shot took by richard! it was so bad that i dare not put up here lol

gamegerr said...

the donkatsu looks really nice! makes me hungry instantly!

Yut said...

donkatsu is really common here n fairly cheaper than sg!! the always serve with huge piece of pork and puny portion of rice.. almost as much as the salad only hahhaha