Feb 27, 2008

Digital Photography Workshop

I had attended the Digital Photography Workshop the past 2 days and I must say that it was truly very rewarding! We learned not only the technical aspects of photography in lectures but also photoshop tricks and gimmicks and of course, had fun times doing hands-on! The speaker was a graduate from NUS Architecture with a cap of 4.72! He decided to quit architecture in Yr 3 back then (with a CAP of 4.72?!?! and 5/6 times Dean's List!! Madness!!) to pursue his interest in photography! SEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Architecture undergrads don't have to b architects in the end!

Anyway, the kind instructors brought their expensive cameras for us and boy, how I digged their Nikon D200 after I had a go with it! Now I think my Canon Ixus 75 sucks big time! U shall see for yourself the huge difference!

My point-and-shoot dumbass Ixus 75 + lots of photoshopping:

After a 2 day workshop.

Wai Kit said we looked like siblings with the specs!

I LOVE his cheap specs! totally digged it!

By the way, Wai Kit is not a MALAY! 100% PURE CHINESE!

Shooting with Ching Hei's Canon SLR.

And heres some of my shots at the Haw Par Vila using Nikon D200, with absolutely no photoshopping:

Im shooting Weiqi shooting me.

Naiyan and his Nikon SLR. He's good!

We are shooting at each other, like how we use machine guns.

Ching Hei and his pimples! Muahhaaha! He has a pic of my eyebags too!

I enjoyed the workshop very much! Photography could take up a lil' bit of space in my sack of interest but rest assure I will not quit architecture for photography if i have a CAP of 4.72!