Jun 18, 2009

Marvelous Melbourne VI

The long awaited Melbourne photos! Its taking me too long to upload all the photos here so I have decided to break them down into different days and selectively upload only the nicer ones! Enjoy the photo galore!


Edwin and I decided to start our last morning in Melbourne city with an architectural tour! Given our walking speed, we conquered almost everything we should in just 2 hours! Machiem some survivor game laaaaaa!

I love these lil' alleys in the city! People-watching is just so enjoyable with a cuppa in the fresh morning :)

Graffiti is everywhere in Melbourne! In fact it is a free expression of art over there. You will get what I mean by 'everywhere' in the next few posts!

A flower shop in the middle of the road! :) I love how adhoc and temporal it is!

The environmentally friendly award winning Council House 2! The facade literally screams "natural ventilation" laaaa!!!

Yes, these tubes collect rain water for reuse! How brilliant and elegant!

I simply love the art sculptures on the streets! More to come!

Blood Donors Street??

did u see what I saw? tick tock tick tock.

The Rooftop Cinema which we couldnt find time to go at night :( Nevertheless I thought we had a good view of it in the morning too!

The small stage just opposite the screen. Im sure the place doubles up as a rooftop bar too!

Are you thinking what Im thinking? ;)

The State Library of Victoria! A pity it wasn't open yet when we were there, but its grandeur was definitely felt from the outside!

Handsome columns since 1856! I wished we could have seen the interior! We heard it was magnificent!

Interesting shapes along the way.

See!!! Another art sculpture along the street! This was my favourite among all!

Looking at the pyramid from the inside. Wooo~ Lovely!

This is what under the pyramid.

A very nice carpark i think!

After a simple breakfast we headed for some shopping at the Duty Free Outlet! Obviously I was busy shopping that I didnt take any photos of it HAHAHHAA! BUT HEY! I WAS BUSY WINDOW SHOPPING OK! Jolene and I spent almost 2 hours in a perfume shop while the guys combed the entire mall!


We then proceeded to Smith Street for more shopping recommended by Edwin's friend. I think the street has potential for great shopping but due to time and budget constraints, we merely peaked through the shop displays and headed for lunch.

Did I say graffiti was everywhere? :)

We took the payable tram service (City Circle line was FREE!!) back to the city and then unwillingly headed for the airport :(

Bye Melbourne!! T_T


Coming up: Melbourne V. Trust me, it will just get more and more exciting and beautiful! I will try to blog again soon HAHAHA!