Jun 26, 2009

Marvelous Melbourne V

Its the 5th morning in Melbourne! Clumsy me started the day by spilling milk over the table!

oops! caught in the act! =X

Mr Neo happily gather photo evidences of my clumsiness! I was clearing up my own mess!

We really love our accommodation at Port Campbell! Its so peaceful, comfortable and very spacious!

Each unit has a specific parking lot outside and im standing in front of ours!

Yes it is that colddddddd in the morning!

Driver Neo in deep thoughts! I bet he was thinking the route to take to the city! HAHAA!

We stopped by the petrol kiosk to pump up our tank for the day!! Yep, you have to do it on your own!! Thank you Driver Neo!

Heh while the driver becomes the petrol attendant, the ladies were having fun posing! HEHE!

A short while drive later we stopped by a beautiful coast for a quick break!

the footprints are sooooooooooo cute!!!

We then headed to the renowned Twelve Apostles!

This is the gallery hall where information regarding Port Campbell and the Twelve Apostles can be retrieved.

Interior of the gallery hall. It is all about natural daylighting!

We agreed that this looked like a balsa wood model that any freshmen will make! It actually houses the toilet! How nice!!!

The remaining stacks after all the erosion..

I love this shot!

There were only 8 stacks remaining till date! You gotta go and see them before they are gone!!

It was really really really really magnificent!

We returned to the car and left for the city!! Its a 2hr 30min drive between Port Campbell and the City. Poor Driver Neo!

We stopped by Red Rooster for lunch! The fried chicken was much better than KFC's but of course, more pricey too!

Back to the city! Zrooommmm zrooommmmM!

Upon reaching the city, we had to return our Nissan Latio and get our feets on the ground again! After the long ride back from Great Ocean Road, we hurried to the famous Queen Victoria Market before it was about to close!

Many stalls were closed shortly after we had arrived!

Just imagine all the stalls in Bugis Village are spread out spaciously under a large open tent :) Thats Queen Victoria Market for you!

After getting some souvenirs there hopped on the free City Circle Tram! Since Jolene had sprained her ankle at the market, we decided to take a rest at our hotel before dinner!

and so we waited... and waited.. and waited.

IT WAS A 30MIN LONG WAIT IN THE COLD! We ended up taking cab back to the hotel instead!

We were getting ready to leave the room for dinner. Jolene and I must be laughing at Edwin about something la! HAHAHA!

I spotted this coffee joint having 50% discount and brought the guys here! MUAHAHHA! The counter was so tall that it blocks me from the boss, who is equally short! We had a funny conversation there and Jolene kept laughing at us! From then on Jolene kept calling the boss my friend! LOL!

Im missing the fries now!! They taste awesome with the weird sauce recommended by the staff hahaha! Lord of the Fries, die die must try!!

I had wanted to eat this ever since I saw them around the junction near our hotel on Day 1! You cant imagine my joy and satisfaction after buying it! HEEHEE!!!

Edwin act smart! He went to buy some weird bread from the hot dog seller when we were indulging in our fries with the weird sauce! HAHAHAA!! Turns out that his bread was tasteless and unpopular HAHAHAHA!!!

ooooooooohHhhhH!!! Guess what happened?!?!

Your eyes arnt failing you! The policemen are really on horses on the streets! What happened?!?!?

Its a protest by the Indian community in Melbourne!! They were protesting against racism with regards to the several cases of Indian students being abused in schools recently. Interesting righhhhtttt!!! The entire Flinders Street was blocked and tourists were busy snapping away with their cameras LOL!!!

Obviously we snapped and video recorded the protest as well! Look at Mr Neo here! Trying to act gan chiong running away from the protest! He is definitely our best actor all the time! I pity Jolene who had to bear with his nonsense!

This shot was directed by Mr Neo too! Title: Enjoying the protest like a movie!

We wanted to walk to the Crown Complex after enjoying the protest and our fries but we were confused by the roads because many were blocked! Since there were so many policemen around, I decided to ask them for directions! HAHAHA! We had to asked 3-4 policemen before we understood the directions laaaaa!!!

It was just the beginning of the night but we got very high by now! Thanks to the Indians! HAHAHAHA!

Inside the Flinders Station! We didnt have to pay because it was opened to everyone as the protest caused serveral roads blocked! WAHAHAHA! I think Jolene forgot about her sprained ankle already HAHAHA!

I tod you we were high before we even reach the Crown Casino!

Act again! This time the title is 'When is the train ever coming?!' -_-"""

Ghooooooossssstt!!! Pardon us but we were... h i g h hh h h hh!

Beautiful night scene along the river greeted us as we approach the casino.

Even the street buskers looked arty and cool! He was merely playing a recorder!!

We couldn take photos in the casino and we didnt play either. Been-there-done-that la huh!

A pity the exhibition centre was closed at night! It was featured as one of the architectural-must-see in Melbourne :( We merely see from outside lor.. what to do.

And yes we took a horse-drawn carriage back to our hotel!!! We all felt like prince and princessess laaaa!! Of course we attracted a lot of attention on the streets! Even the cars had to give way to us okay! HAHAHHAA! machiem we will turn into 4 pumpkins when the clock strikes 12! heehee!!!

see? Our horses in action! hahahaa!

What a memorable ride to end the fifth day in Melbourne!! The night was definitely one of the best during our trip! oOoooOOOOh Im missing Melbourne sooooooo much right now!!

Coming up: Marvelous Melbourne IV. Check out the magnificent Great Ocean Road and our D.I.Y BBQ dinner!!!