Apr 22, 2009


submission was daunting. nothing less than a vicious cycle. sleepless, mess, starvation - same stories i dont feel like repeating here every semester.

anyway, submission was more strict than previous semesters. firstly there were separate submission for drawings and models. then, the crit was only open to you and the panel, 1:3. it kinda freaked me out but i think i did a passable job. passable. maybe.

its the usual semester-two-kind-of-grade i supposed. i never do well for semester twos.

anyway, everythings over n done with. I do feel a teeny weeny bit of emptiness but to hell with that, lets SCREAM AND REJOICE! It had been a long battle.

Post submission was AWESOME. Activities come one after another like action-packed movies. I managed to enjoy a picnic, a family day, a studio outing, a new hair colour and a movie (handsome suit) within 4 days. That spells trouble to my pocket though.

A list of things-to-do was written immediately after my submission actually. To date i have cleared a few missions and am very happy about it. Lifes good when no time was wasted in any sense. I love that.

Im gonna make this holiday a very fruitful one. I cant wait to start checking my list!

the red hair monster :)