Apr 22, 2009

Guo Ma the liar

im so b o r e d.
the weather so freaking hot.
been waiting for mama to finish the chores.
she said we will go to tampines one today but now i think she lied :(
shall do some post submission pictorial updates then.

the studio outing at minds cafe on a design-free monday afternoon...

we were playing some games which involves quick reflex actions...

which obviously, i lost, but im not the worse when theres Alex around HAHAHA Oh did i mention that he is the only guy in our studio of 10? :)

Express-it! When architecture students express themselves using their voices and facial expressions instead of... lines.

Virginia, nominee for best actress of the day. HAHAHAHA!

Phyllis acting silly HAHAHA!

//More photos from Weiling's camera.

Loads of fun that day at the cafe followed by a good dinner at Ichiban Boshi, Esplanade. Maria was invited and she offered to treat us all. (Sometimes i wonder if tutors were invited to studio dinners for that particular purpose!) Overall, it was a good time spent before crit.

Oh we managed to catch a glimpse of the new roof top bar at the Esplanade. I am so dying to visit the bar again. Anyone?

I caught this movie with Alex, Zhi Wei and Ren Yu on the night of our Crit Day. The movie is very funny in the most ridiculous way. Alex thought it was a very typical Japanese comedy. It wasnt exactly my cup of tea but $6.50 was pretty acceptable. HA! After all it got me thinking how developed countries had become so aesthetically driven when aesthetics was actually more of a luxury than necessity a decade ago.

Anyway, when will I ever get to watch Revolutionary Road! =(

The month of April marks a year older for 2 of our girls. This time round it was a picnic at the Marina Barrage.

Yes I have a fascination for umbrellas and they are mine, 2 of which boarded the Korean Air! lol

i like this accidental photo. The lush green is soothing for the eyes.

i think my girlfriends are beautiful.

Sorry but i havent got out of the korean faze yet. i think i never will actually. so heres my contribution for the snacks :)

when u are slim, u look good in any angle. i have 2 life examples here. damn it. i must say my girlfriends are hot.

so what constitutes to a not so slim figure? my favourite bread lor! eat summore and there you go, yut! but Tan Ma's bread is heavenly!

the April babes!

the umbrella from eBase, Singapore. Im not sure if eBASE still exist here HAHAHA but they definitely have pretty umbrellas at afforable prices. I got this for 10sgd.

my favourite photo of the day! :):) i can think of 101 ways to improve this photo if there was a DSLR. hai!

we turned to Timbre at Old School for the night.

A rare natural shot of nehneh! nice!

the lucky girl who got a huge awesome birthday gift from Mr Simei. If only all Simeians were that rich. HAHAHAHHAHAA!!!

Chacha and I will get down to do the competition starting tomorrow. Its gonna be fun! I doubt we have the competitive streak to win but we are definitely going to enjoy the experience. I cant wait!

Next up is the Cats Musical Im gonna watch with Ching Hei this Saturday! Woohoo! If you are interested, there are some $50 student tickets up for grab! I guess they only release it recently. Come, join us!!

If you had been taking the train often, you will notice the ad for 天冷就回来 (If There're Seasons). Guo Ma (the liar) and I were interested but not Guo Pa. Too bad, there goes the first family trip to a theatrical performance. Im gonna catch it with steven next week! YEAH!

Oh, and Im having an examination next Thurs! :) and a facial appointment on Wed morning! Life is so exciting!!

Now I hope Naiyan gonna give me good news about my internship. plsplsplsplsplspls! Xue Zhen is checking out the big firms while I target the smaller ones HAHAHA WE WILL GET A JOB IN THE BAD ECONOMY! Mr and Miss Lobangs, PLS CONTACT US!!!

Oh. the liar in my house is ready for Tampines One!! Seems like Guo Ma is not a liar after all! HAHAHA AIR CONNNNNNNN!!! HERE COMESSS THE RED HAIR MONSTER!!


an said...

guo ma indeed is not a liar. so how's tamp 1? i think i will check it out once with my family too b4 im off to shanghai. better go when im still staying in the east. and i want to see u! red hair monster!! want to check out ur hair. :D