Apr 22, 2009

is it uniqlo or singaporeans

post Uniqlo thoughts: horrible.

I went into the store without having to queue because it was 5 min to their closing time. The store was in a mess. Clothes were piling up like some cheap pasar malam goods. I mean, Uniqlo is an affordable brand but that doesnt give Singaporeans the right to disrespect it. It irks me when I see people flipping the clothes like digging some gold underneath, just to find that uncreased $19.90 t-shirt, then leave the pile of mess there as if it had nothing to do with them.

Now i totally understand why they had to restrict the no. of shoppers in the store. Why no where else but in Singapore, Uniqlo customers had to queue. I feel ugly.

The whole Uniqlo experience was just wrong. I hope Im just unlucky to witness things that happened 5min before they shut down.

At times like this I wish Im not a lil' red dottian.


an said...

i'll go hk tsim sha tsui uniglo and tell u if its really singaporeans the cause of the unsightly seen u've witnessed! HAHA