Mar 31, 2009

is it worth stressing about it?

Recently, i came across a few unfortunate inccidents. An accademically inclined 20 year old boy was diagnosed with leukaemia; a girl comtemplating suicide after the dad left home for the mum was having an affair; financial crisis killed the dreams of a bright student...

As i grew older i realised there are just so many things around me to be cherished and appreciated, simply by putting a pause occasionally between two quick footsteps. I have a complete family who loves each other more than anybody in the world. my family is not well to do but we have no financial problems either. i have more than a few life-time buddies when people say its even hard to find one. i am thankful for being healthy (unless u consider carrot legs and hippo hips as terminal diseases).

the stress that im facing in school is nothing compared to the victims. its not that im acting nonchalant about my grades. (I have a time table that says that i shd be blogging now and cadding my structural detail tomorrow.) Its just that there are bigger things in life to fret about. i am stressed, but i know it will not take my life away.

Putting myself in the shoes of the victims, i'd say getting the As might not be of top priority anymore. Getting my life back on track seemed to be the most important task at hand and the solution might not be as easy as just working harder. Stress about what to show for the next studio? whats that?

So friends out there who are feeling stressed at the end of this semester, cheer up :) You know you will get over this in a month's time and life goes on. A barely passing grade is still a PASS. A failure at the recent class test doesnt mean an F for the semester. We are lucky bitches and arseholes with a life to lead. LIFE. HOW PRECIOUS A THING WE'VE GOT.



an said...

HAHAHAHAHA i get what u mean =)

see u later at 4pm! :)) BRING MY BTT book!

puny said...

what i mean?