Feb 17, 2009

Finally, its a wedding again!

15th February was not just another Total Defence Day. It was the BIG day for my cousin! For the first time in my life I was invited to a solemnization outside church and a wedding lunch. Well, the afternoon indeed shone new light to my preconception of Chinese weddings.

The solemnization took place at the pool side of Changi Village Hotel, where artiste 曾诗梅 held hers too I heard.

Pool side sounds n looks cool but its freakin' warm! I would suggest a garden for an alternative ;) Yes, I want to have mine in a garden!! Hear that, Mr hubby-somewhere-out-there?!

The pool was semi visible through the veils. Coincidentally I met XZ and her bf there for their vday celebration! Awww so sweet :)

Waiting became part of every wedding's programme and the boredom drove us to snap around like crazy women.

snap snap snap everywhere. Even when the car is neither ours nor the newly weds'!

Pretty cousins and me! Each year one grew slimmer and the other gets prettier while my eye bags get heavier. Life's not fair!

Not too long later the solemnization ceremony began and nervousness was written all over my cousin's face!

Okay heres the bride with her dad.Not that I know either of them.

Here they proclaimed their love and the routine "I DO"!

(photo credits: the taller cousin lol!)

Also a first time for me, I was asked to be there to catch the bouquet but I sneaked away from the single's team for 1) the scorching sun and 2) embarrassment! I didnt know the other single ladies! It'd be fun though if a group of friends do it together!

After the 10 minute ceremony by the scenic pool side, we all went down for a buffet lunch. yes, lunch. yes, buffet. you didnt get me wrong.

We helped ourselves to the pretty good lunch, waited for the couple to do their rounds of photo taking at the tables before proceeding home. short, sweet and simple.

Simple indeed. no wedding cake, no ceremonial march in, no wedding yum sengs, no wedding photo album at the reception, no love songs during lunch.

The most important thing to the couple, which is probably the solemnization, was elaborated though. Perhaps all that was all enough. Afterall, its an occassion by them for themselves isn't it?

Tell me, is this simplified wedding a trend today or is it just a result of the bad economy? What is your ideal wedding?

Oh. Did I mention that the idea of being a wedding planner crossed my mind occasionally? teeheehee.


Anonymous said...

u can be my wedding planner when i get married. HAHA. but dont expect me to charge u high, unless my husband to be is going to rich. HAHA. but u can be pard's or even ah song's one! i bet theirs would be faster and more likely to happen! :)

ys.steve said...

you're like the third girl this week that mentioned becoming a wedding planner! join my wedding planning team lah! :p or house decor ic! lol. i can give you alot of yakults!

Anonymous said...

neh beats me to say to be her wedding planner!!

u can be mine too!!
plan a simple and sweet one for me will do!!
FOC okay?!

Anonymous said...

and i was checking out changi village hotel a few days ago!

quite cool leh!

Yut said...

you guys made me feel that i am more sought after as a wedding planner than an architect! lol

time to quit sch.

to pard, changi v hotel food nt bad. edible. nt sure the price. but i see more singaporeans than foreigners staying in e hotel so i supposed the price there for food n room is reasonable. planning an elope? LOL