Oct 5, 2008

Post-Crit Madness!

It had been an eventful week with submission, crit, relatives visit and hospital visit. A week of MIA in the blogosphere certainly means a godzillion events to blog about in the coming weekend. Allow me to skip the timeline and start with the more exciting post-submission-shopping-frenzy!

Nina brought Nicole and I to Sinchon for some fresh strawberry juice + soju! I was so excited about it because strawberry is my love and chilling out is my hobby! Muahahaha!

Literally a crossroad (think: x-road)! We reached Sinchon at 5.30pm but were attracted to all the shops along the way and before we could move 3km from the subway station, it was already 9.30pm!

We decided to focus on getting our soju when the shops finally closed! The blended strawberry soju was awesome! The soju was overwhelmed by the sweet strawberries and it taste like my favourite strawberry daiquiri. I was so thirsty that I finish a glass of it within minutes, forgetting that soju has 19.5% of alcohol content after all! You can imagine how fast my face turns red huh!

Koreans hardly drink without side dishes! So heres our dinner for the day - thick and delicious egg crepe with Kimchi pancake. Let the chilling begins!

Haha! I was soooo happy with my loot that night even though they cost me a bomb! :))

We started to get high...

and higher...

Wahhahahaa! I must admit its my idea! Hahahahaha!


Com'on, utans!

In their lalaland they thought they were celebrities having an underground affair...

and they refused to be photographed and interviewed when entertainment news reporter Y caught them in the act! -_----------"""

The restaurant setting was perfect for an emo shot like this!

So i decided to spoil her shots Muahahaa!

emo-ians we are not!

After all the chatting, eating and drinking, we realised it was midnight! Since we were 2 hr away from the dormitory, we wouldnt reach in time for the 1am curfew. Thankfully we've got Dongdaemun in Seoul, where the 3 biggest shopping mall stand next to each other and welcome shoppers from 11am till 4.30am everyday!

teeheehee! We caught a cab (and almost got into a cab fight with another cab) and continued with our shopping frenzy! Thanks to Nina for her joke of the day to keep us awake! She mistook 1000W for 10000W twice when we were paying for the drinks!

I saw this t-shirt at DDM and wanted to get it badly because it was so apt for JEREMY! A pity the 1 and only size could merely fit 10 chicks. Well, at least I got a photo of it for you, Coach J!

We were exhausted by dawn and took the first train back to Ansan. It was freezing cold at 7am in the dormitory. I took a short 3hr nap before I went for my favourite Korean Language tutorial :) And then I spent the rest of the day sleeping :)))

Im enjoying my slow weekend.