Sep 18, 2008

this is where i dwell

I decided to take a series of photographs on my way back to the dormitory one day. Follow me on a pictorial journey to Yut's dwelling in Ansan!

Check out the different kinds of tree we have here!

A lil' nice pavilion which I detest walking through it for the risk of getting caught in a spider web!

The guy's dormitory just opposite the pavilion.

Here, the female dormitory at a right angle from the guys'.

My name appear on the whiteboard whenever there is a parcel for me! Teeheehee! You bet I check the board everyday!

Yup, we stay on the 3rd storey. YES, THERE IS NO LIFT IN THE 4 STOREY DORMITORY! Imagine us with our rock-heavy luggage when we shift out after this semester! It will be a hilarious sight I think!

phew. Welcome to the 3rd storey! Singaporean girls are assigned to the rooms on the left wing!

Our rooms are flanked on both sides of the corridor. My room is just opp the toilet! Yes, its the one with 2 big brollies outside hehee!

Erm, I mean, 2 big brollies, 2 big red pails, 1 DIY cardboard shoerack and 4 pairs of shoe outside my room, hehe :)

Nicole and I are quite proud of our DIY shoerack! Credits to Nicole who came up with the idea of recycling cardboards :)

I bought a clothes rack! You will b surprised that Yut washes her clothes daily without the washing machine! I highly doubt the practice will continue when I go back to Singapore =X I bet it will even stop when submission draws near! We shall see!

4 digits for you! Heres my room number!

We had a v bad impression of the room on e first day. It was horribly dusty everywhere and the paint from the metal frame of the bed came off. We thought it might as well be described as a old hospital ward!

Unfortunately there are only foam mattresses for us. I miss my bed n pillow n bolster in Simei!

4 layers of window - the wire gauze allows natural ventilation, the glass allows light in and blocks out the cold air; and the other 2 semi-opaque windows block out the glaring sunlight. We outta use the right one at the right time!

bedsheets from home, comforter from Korea. I love checks :) I am still waiting for nice magazine sheets to make wallpaper! KS, your collage is not forgotten :)

I have been wanting to post this picture for a long time. Kudamonos, u r missed everyday! Thank you for the awesome collage! Kimte, I alternate the 4 pictures every other day :)