Sep 15, 2008

i turned 21 in s.e.o.u.l

I finally received all the photos taken on my birthday from Sky and Richard. They practically recorded the entire celebration and Im thankful for that, because every minute of that night was too precious to lose! 감사합니다!

After a day of shopping, they brought me to the stream near our dormitory in Seoul...

and surprised me with these firecrackers...!

Behind the scene, the guys preparing the firecrackers opposite the stream before I arrive.

and I thought I was celebrating Singapore's Birthday ^-^ Really, no one had ever given me fireworks for my birthday! That was truly a memorable 21st, thank you folks!

Another first on my birthday - boiled eggs from Xin Yu and Gilbert! Although it is known in the Chinese tradition to have meesua and eggs on one's birthday, I had never eaten them for the past 20 birthdays!

Tell me how not to feel loved! Especially when the eggs are cooked by the lovebirds, Gilbert n Xinyu! I couldn't thank you all enough! How home-ly laaaaah!

Yes its cupcakes!! I would have 21 cupcakes instead of a birthday cake if I were to hold a 21st birthday party in Singapore! Now my dream came true :) I couldnt thank you all enough :)

Dish said this looked like some offerings for the gods.=S #$%^& urghhh!!

Cupcakes from Dunkin Donuts. Special thanks to Nina and Ying Ying who took the trouble to get 18 of them from 2 diferent stores because there wasnt enough cupcakes in the 1st one. Thank you girls! ^-^

Hey lovelies, I know you girls put in lotsa effort for my birthday too, esp on the nicely decorated photo album I've just received. Just want to let you know that I truly appreciated everything I've gotten for my birthday and im thankful for having a friend like you :) :) :)

I hope everyone enjoyed the cupcakes! Im sorry if I have neglected the guys, who claimed that they felt more like just my-random-neighbours-who-came-for-some-free-supper! =X

Then it was prize-giving ceremony hahaha! Thank you Adeline and Sky for the lovely gifts!

Dalki stickers and the blue shawl from Ade and Sky and the Dalki notebook from Nicole. Now, who doesn't know Yut is a Dalki fan? teeheehee!

I was supposed to meet the guys at the lobby but I forgot =X

They bought me a musical box!

One, I never had a musical box in my 21 years of girly life. Two, the music is supposed to calm my nerves so that I will stop screaming in the middle of the night! =X Thank you guys! I've stopped screaming but these days Nicole said I talked almost every other night in my sleep =X

I really appreciate that night and all the time n effort everyone of them spent on me, thou I may not express myself well in person. 감사합니다, 우리친구! =)

I have tons of photos that night but Im too lazy to upload more for now. I have many more way overdued photos to upload anyway!