May 27, 2008

When friendliness turns ugly

Today, I heard something less than pleasing to the ears.
It hurt a lil', and for a moment, I wish Chia Ling was here to clarify my doubts.

On a brighter note, Im glad that the friend spoke up for me. That was truly appreciated, Dish. Thanks.

Hey Chia Ling, we should be leaving for Korea between 24-26th Jul and will be back only after Christmas, to say the earliest. How have you been? Hope everything is going well for you :)


Anonymous said...

ur JB trip looks so exciting!!

oh and sucha coincodence i bumped into u just before i turned in to waraku alley yesterday at marina square.

and hope that Mr M has stop harassing ur poor handphone. HAHA.

Anonymous said...

oops i meant coincidence!

Anonymous said...

u sound sad! what's up with the cheerful yuting huh??
i am doing fine here, just got flu and a cut on my knee that's all. haha:P
job is ok. went to san francisco few days back, will update the picture soon.
keep in touch.
i hope u guys are doing fine:)