Apr 25, 2008

i hate revision; Mel's the Man.

I met Melvin for dinner and present hunting earlier. Oh my, his dress sense never fail to disappoint me! Cool bro there, making me feel under-dressed and fat and ugly and argh. I should have done better. I am so determined to slim down this hol!

Oh well, great night spent. Apparently he is the only guy thus far which make me feel comfortable shopping with! Similar taste, opinionated, gentleman. To think that we hadn't talk in at least a year? Amazing.

Whats even better was the surprise dinner treat at Ajitei. I should have agreed to Sushi Tei if I knew that he wanted to treat me! Muahahaha! kidding thou. The man here is the boy I once knew.

Though he had always been a gentleman, it was still impressive to see this attitude continued till now. Well done la bro, send me right to my doorstep from Orchard when you stay in Woodlands! I OWE YOU A BIG BIG ONE! The Taka western food's on ME!

If there were any male species who can change my opinion about 21 yr-old guys, I think Mel's the only one at hand. He seemed to be more matured than other guys of the same age I know. Prolly I hasn't know him well enough but his words and actions did convinced me today.

Its heartwarming to be able to still yak non-stop with old pals whom we have lost touch for so long. Im looking forward to Kian's party on the 30th! TRICIA TEO!! IF YOU ARE READING THIS YOU BETTER BE THERE THEN! WE MISS YOU LAAA!

Anyway, Mel's single and available now! Girlfriends, go grab him! Wahahhahaa! And nope, I wasnt paid big bucks for this entry :)