Mar 28, 2008

yut is back from hell

A living hell is an understatement to describe my past few days. It all happened so fast and furiously that I thought I had been through a month. Everything should have been evenly spread over a month, thats if I had the voice to ask for a reasonable workload. Madness.

The power-pack week had ruined my complexion. Yut has undeniably aged quite a bit, yet again. Make-up is necessary for the coming parties but contradictingly enough, make-up is less than helpful to the skin.


I paired my new shift dress from MU with black leggings and heels for the interim crit today. It felt even better to be accessorised with Muji tote and my S+arck. Lovely. The wearer is prolly the most un-lovely element in the perfect picture!

Unexpectedly, I went for dinner and movie with Ching Hei after the crit. He brought me to a small but nice and cheap traditional Japanese ramen restaurant at Orchard Plaza. At a price of $15.40 for 2 people a huge portion of stewed egg ramen with char siew, I'll definitely go back for more with its authentic great taste. You can actually see the chef preparing the dishes before your eyes!

I will recommend Semi-Pro if you are looking for a good laugh after a day of hard work!

Its bed-time before Chialing pick me up for school again. Thank God Its Friday. Nothing is better to mark the end of the inhumane week with Roy's and Jeremy's 21st birthday party!