Dec 2, 2009

my first carboot sale!

sorting out the clothes that I wanna sell from my wardrobe!

J doing stock taking.

I specially made this accessories board to display my accessories for sale! But I was too lazy to make another 2 to display all the accessories so heres 1/3 for u hahaha!

We also sell brand new men's tee

and many miscellaneous stuffs!

- 27 Nov -

our bags, apparels, accessories!

all ready to shift to J's house for a trial set up!

Unexpectedly our trial set-up attracted J's maid and her friend!

See, we havent even finish displaying our goods and the maids are already browsing and buying our stuffs! We jokingly call the day a 'closed-door VIP sale!' ^^

- 28 Nov -

Whats a Carboot Sale without a CAR!

We arrived at Big Splash an hour earlier to get a gd carpark lot (1st come 1st serve basis) and prepare for the day.

Heres how our 'stall' looked on the first morning! Everything here is 2nd hand except for the row of men's tee on the right.

And then it rained! Thank god the rain came after we decided to rent the tentage after suffering from the morning sun! Still, we werent really prepared for wet weather. We merely tried everything we can do to salvage our goods hahaha!

Clever me didnt apply sun block on the first day! NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE MORNING SUN AT EAST COAST PARK!

Check out the afternoon rain! The regular 'boot-owners' are much more experienced than us. They have canvas sheets, personal tentage and very very prepared for the wet weather! J and I had definitely learnt alot from them over the weekend!

My pretty umbellas come in handy rain or shine :) i loveeeeeeeee you my umbrellas!!

- 29 Nov -

My tan from the first morning was horrible so I decided to wear a tube top to even out the tan! However the sun wasnt as strong on the 2nd day -__-" Or rather, we found space to hide ourselves in the tentage most of the time hahahaha!

Heh. We were smarter on the 2nd day! We hung more t-shirts around the tent to block out the sun while we sit behind the table! Muahahaha what a brilliant idea from J!

Everyone was starring at my burnt marks!!

literally, HARD-EARNED MONEY AH!!!!!!!! =D

Thank you Jasmin for the clothes rack!
Thank you Edwin and friend for coming down :)
Thank you David for running here! lol
Thank you Dish n Zhiwei for proposing to visit our stall!

Besides the bad tan, we really enjoyed ourselves preparing for the car boot sale. Not only did it bring us a slightly thicker wallet, it really helped me to clear my exploding wardrobe! Im very very very very very very happy about it HAHAHAHAHA! We also made new friends with other stall owners! I guess its more than making money over the weekend :)

Open up and create new experiences for yourself! Its a whole new world out there for us to explore :) By making new friends, I get to explore other people's world too! HAHAHAHAHA! You gotta try it yourself!

If you are interested in doing a carboot sale too, you might find the following information useful:

Venue: Big Splash @ East Coast Park
Space rental fee: $50/wkend for Car Boot, $80/wkend for Stall
Tentage rental: $50/wkend (another $50 for deposit)
1 Table + 2 Chairs rental: $10 (Im not sure if its /day or /wkend, we brought our own!)
Carpark entry fee: $1.07/hr (we spent ~$27 for a weekend)

Most of the crowd come for 2nd hand items and cheap bargains. There were a few who came specially for 2nd hand branded stuffs and some came looking for perfume. People come periodically and the monsoon season is not very helpful for outdoor flea markets like these. In all, you gotta do your homework if you are really interested in doing one!


en said...

wah lao ting. ur sunburn is crazy la. hahahahah damn funny u. eh u still wan to share the booth? tricia told me u asked her but then she dunno can get another one anot le.haa

Yut said...

ennnnnn!! cannot share booth liao la.. i think we have alot of things! hahaha coz we selling new tees also.. taking stock from a friend.. if sell tgr have to have about the same pricing also! very ma fan la! hahaha yes tricia told me she cant get 3 stalls on the same day =( im asking my friend if he wants to sell this sat... coz nx sat is 12.. then nx nx sat i fly alr.. so rush man.. hahahaha