Dec 10, 2008

i can't believe this.

I can't believe it when Naiyan told me, "winter workshop's next sunday".

In the blink of an eye, i will be going home in less than a month.

As much as i missed my family and friends in Singapore, please understand that I miss Korea much too. It had been a place I wanted to live in ever since I picked up the language 4 years back. It could had been easy to book a tour to Korea through an agency but it was something I had never wanted to do. To immerse in the culture and to experience the livelihood of Koreans is what I wished for. I wasn't exaggerating when I said that this exchange programme was like a dream came true for me.

A short 5 month stay here was definitely unforgettable in my lifetime. It felt like a godzillion things had happened during the short time and I often wonder how can I document all of them without a diary. Photos and blog doesnt do justice to the memories because it needed to be felt and experienced. Perhaps all i needed was to find a way to not stop feeling and experiencing everything around me now.

We started off with our internship in Seoul and made many Korean friends and seniors who treated us like part of the family. They were the ones who gave the entire trip a good start and made our time in Seoul more than just an internship period. I am grateful to meet wonderful colleagues whom I still keep in contact with and who bothered to organise outings to keep the friendship going. I am grateful to be remembered, really.

Then there were memories of the dormitory in Seoul. The mornings when everyone gathered at the lobby and leave for work together. The mornings when everyone had breakfast in one hand and umbrella on the other. The mornings when the group had to be separated at the subway station to go opposite platforms for different internship companies.

Almost everyday we had plans after work. I think we covered most parts of Seoul within that 1 month. Looking back, we were still wearing shorts and sleeveless, eating peaches and plums. I realised that going by the seasons are a pretty good way to organise our thoughts.

The start of school marked another new chapter. From the day we merely said Hi to the Koreans to now when we actually hang out tgr and get drunk, you bet we had gone through a lot together. I must say that the nature of Architecture course strengthened our bonds, for we go sleepless together before each studio session and cheer and clapped in unison when submission was over. In between the torturous design period we had drinking sessions now and then to know each other better. A big thank you to Mr 200% Resposible year rep Han Sung-Il who made all that possible.

The critic cum exhibition yesterday marked the end of our Architecture Design study in Korea. Behind that wide grin of mine was actually indescribable emotions of despair and agony. I wanted time to stop at the gallery because I know that once it is over, it really is the end. When will I see the professor again? When will I see my studio mates again? When will we come together again, given that everyone will be busy with the coming exams and leaving for their hometowns soon after? I can't help but sulked at the thought of it.

Now that winter has come and the atmosphere was neither as cheerful as summer or romantic like fall, I became very emotional at every thought of my departure in less than 30 days. I am now writing a list of souvenirs to buy, places to go, things to do and very importantly, who to spend my time with during my remaining days here. I felt as though I am dying soon.

I can't believe this. I actually cried while writing this post. I bet i need buckets, or maybe a well, to contain my tears if I know I am really going to die in less than a month.


gamegerr said...

aiyo ah lai siao! i can still remember u crying when we saw u at the airport 5 months ago!

today, you're still crying!

haha! don't emo lah! enjoy your last month in korea! ((:

Anonymous said...

yeah dont cry! we'll see u smiling when u r back!

Yut said...

what ah lai siao! but sounds familiar leh.. when was i Ah Lai? LOL!!

i really cant bare to leave this place! Booo. i have some big plans to come back here thou hahaha!

gamegerr said...

"you're ah lai, i'm ah pi, we're lai pi!"

lol! im crazy! tell us about ur plans! (:

Anonymous said...

haha oh go back korea? does it involves us? lol i doubt so though. haha