Mar 6, 2008

im freakin' excited

Yut is in a state of ALL-TIME HIGH these days because...

Dish says we shall plan a trip to Japan from Korea! And I am more than certain he will make the plan work with his passion for Japan as strong as mine for Korea!

Tell me how not to get high at the thought of going Korea and Japan in less than 6 months' time! Now the 21st birthday party just seem so negligible....! The SEP is the greatest 21st birthday gift from papa and mama Guo! Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuacks!

Uh. I am so gonna slog through the 3 mth holidays to earn the moolahs for that Japan trip! Healthy savings begins today!!

Oh by the way, i think dad's Sony Ericsson 3MP camera phone takes nice photographs in real colours as shown above! :)