Jan 26, 2008

My new friends

Welcome to Studio 6 in the DDS North America!

Li Shan, Ren Yu and I: photoshop rocks!

Adeline, Eileen and I: 3 ppl from 3 different studios!

Ching Hei and I: The Ugly Man contest

Hui Loh and I: twisting and twitching

School had been expectedly fast-paced but Yut had been surpringly on time and attended all lectures and tutorials thus far. Well done!

Recently the idea of 21st Birthday Bash seemed unimportant anymore. The lost of the Korea SEP hurts more. WHY DIDN'T I APPLY FOR IT! Urgh.

My impression of Peter Sim had been quite positive after 3 studio sessions but instinct tells me that we are not of the same kind. Thats not very good. Hmm.

Many things happened since I last updated. A lot of thinking done and decisions made, or maybe not for the latter. Yut was in a dilemma, and she still is but she shouldn't. Perhaps with the overwhelming workload she will make up her mind real soon.

I went to Master Khor with Weijian to have my palms read and we both agreed that he is damn accurate! I shall not go into the study of my palms but apparently my life seems quite good =) I dont deny that I am a very blessed girl!

For the first time in my life I won a lucky draw! Qingling and I took part in the Singapore Noise Festival at The Heerens last Dec by posing for some photoshoots and viola! here comes my $20 Heeren voucher! As usual Qingling calls me a blardy lucky girl and I've decided to share the voucher with her at the Food V'llage =)