Dec 10, 2007

The Open Diary I

Not surprisingly, post exam activities had been packed to the brim everyday. Life after exams means an influx of weird dreams, resumed late nights, inevitable stop to all diet plans etc. Not much damage was done financially though, since YUT HAD SUCCESSFULLY RESISTED SHOPPING! ('cept that pair of vintage shades from Deja vu Vintage, $92!! I need a Santa!)

I Never Liked SASA
Imagine you paid for something but it wasnt packed into your shopping bag and the next day you rush down after work with the receipt to claim your item but all you get was a stubborn refusal to admit their careless mistake. SASA sucks!

Buyer/Personal Shopper/Interior Designer
Can I do freelance in all 3? Wahaha! The thought of being a buyer / personal shopper crossed my mind few years back but the idea wasnt developed until recently when I picked up fashion and design. Perhaps art history could come in handy for a buyer too, besides art critic, writer, educator etc. Again, architecture students DON'T HAVE TO BE ARCHITECTS YA KNOW? =)

*Yut is someone who strongly believes that success is when one could pick up the essence from what he/she learn in school and then apply it in other fields of study. Isnt that is what cross-disciplinary projects are all about? =)

Much of Friday night was spent with the guys (kumsum merv jeremy liren zhenxiang) at Recruit Ong's house. It was my first time seeing Ivan ever since he was enlisted. Boy, the army seemed to have made him a better looking young chap! =) He has a new hairstyle and so do I! Teeheehee!

3am: Ivan and his bloodshot eyes

It was an achievement to wake up at 2pm on Sat. Joanne finally organised a successful gathering for me and my ex-colleagues from Spring on Saturday. We had some drinks (thanks for Joanne we had 1-for-1 hsepour!) at Crew Room, where Joanne is working part-time! Great time spent with a wonderful company =) How I miss working with them!

Joanne and I

Jian Hua and I

Joanne and Qi Kai
Qi Kai and I

Liang Ji and I

My wonderful ex-colleagues!

Qikai walked me to Timbre after Crew Room to meet Ivan & Co. again! The live band was good but their mojito sucks. We then left for the petrol kiosk before going Labyrinth at 3am, only to learn that they were about to close! We were left without a choice but to chill at Liren's house again - ktv, movie, vodka : FOC - what else can we ask for!? I HEART LIREN'S ENTERTAINMENT ROOM! =D

Sunday was meant for t-inc but a call woke me up to collect my DVDs! Met up with Chialing, Dish, Marc and Zhongxian at CineLeisure b4 some routine singing at Partyworld. A late dinner at Blk85 sums up the great weekend =)

Hanging out with the many guys these days taught me much more about cars and driving directions {-_-} Yut's MANLY behaviour has upped by 10 points! Wahahaha! I can assist Chia Ling when she drives now! Yipeee!

Its funny how people try to match me up with another single n available guy from the same clique! Its precisely we know each other so well that its almost impossible for anything more than platonic friendship, duh!

Going out with guys these days are scary. Regardless you are 22 or 20, almost everyone drives! MRT NOT FAKE ONE LEH! PETROL ON SALE AH! 8 people don't neet 4 or 5 cars leh my dear brothers! Though Im assured of a ride to and fro everytime, I can't help but worry for their pockets despite them being very very cool about it! YOU ALL ROB BANKS FOR A LIVING AH!

I guess the next post gonna be after my Phuket
trip. Gotta turn in now for a busy day tomorrow, Ciao!