Dec 19, 2007

Labyrinth before Phuket

I thought I could finally have a day at home after exams but a night at Labyrinth is simply too hard to resist, esp when Roy offered to pay for my drinks that night :) His kindness was absolutely appreciated by yours truly so I decided to pay half my own share. Im really broke laaa! What to do!!

OH! Did I mention that I almost died in Roy's car? I shant repeat here but it was certainly a close shave! tsk tsk tsk... I wonder how Roy got his license!

Presenting to you - Liren, Roy, Kum Sum, Mervin, Jun Long and yours truly at Labyrinth on 12 Dec, the night before we left for Phuket :) Somehow I seem to be making new (old) friends these days... like Mervin, Jun Long, Kum Sum and Zhen Xiang... Hmmm! Arnt we from the same sec sch? HA!

The guys were kinda shagged, esp Liren, after the bottle of Jim Beam Bourbon. Stupid Liren almost wet his pants in the car if not for my house toilet! Wahahaaa! Liren is a full-time joker laaah!

Anyway, I haven't had time to blog about the Phuket trip! Been on the go like a mad woman ever since I came back! Well, its mad but lotsa fun being a personal shopper for the guys these days! Its equally thrilling to shop for someone and the best thing is I get the satisfaction of shopping without spending a single cent! I really hope Darren will hire me as his personal shopper next time! teeheehee! I think only Gina can imagine my excitement typing this! Gina: Lucky you got the gala movie premiere! I met Roy n KS again today (-_-") We went Haji Lane n Bugis Junction to shop! Shall fill u in on thurs!!

Oh by the way, I think WARLORDS sucks! Angwee like hellllll! Luckily I have Mr Nice Roy around as my financial backing! =X gam dong x 1000000 laaah bro!

Phukets pictures up soon! ;)