May 2, 2009

是我想太多~ 你总这样说!

third post in a day just show how much things had been going through my mind for the last couple of hours. ok so i broke the news when i was showering. i needed to muster up my courage behind the door you see.

郭小姐:这个holiday我要去melbourne leh.
郭妈:她要去澳门啊?(-_- GUO MA ALWAYS 没有进入状况!)
郭妈:去做么? (GUO MA 又慢一拍!!!!-_-"")
郭小姐: 大学的朋友, 四个.
郭爸: 哦....

in the Guo family, silence means consent. There is no objection anyway! A few seconds later, I think my mum woke up from her own world.

郭妈: 哇 这个时候还出国
郭爸: 哦 对ah! 猪流感! 我今天量体温leh! 拜一就轮到学校了!!
郭妈: 我们(Mr Bean)不用.. 可能还没有啦...

and they go on n on about the flu. happily.

其实 好像没设么人管我去哪里! #$%^& 我太看得起自己了!!
Welcome to the Guo family ^__^

Now we are going to our new hangout - Tampines One, for dinner again and to collect my Tokyo photos!!! I felt so silly spending $105 on 300 photos after Steven told me that he could get it at half the price!! ARGH. and its only 300/700 photos i took within my 6 days in Tokyo. I think those taken in Korea could easily amount to 7000!

미쳐서 미쳐서!!!


pard! said...

pupu! are u sure u wanna travel in the current flu state?!

my mei postponed her hk trip!

and we gotta wear masks, take temp in my workplace! SIANNNNN

pupu said...

u r scaring me!! i just transferred money to my friends acct to book ticket! by the time u see this i would have gotten my air tickets n accom le hahahha! may god bless me! keep me in ur prayers! u have fo tang at home right! shun bian leh!