Apr 28, 2009

the post-drama attack

i always have this feeling after watching an entire korean drama. its like, a lil' bit of sadness (that the drama has ended), a lil' bit of emptiness and a lil' bit of 'living in my own world' syndrome began to surface.

many times i wish i could meet that kind of lover in the drama. thats so super unrealistic and immature, you say. well, just let me be. i'll wake up in time to come =D

There is no exception this time. I had just finished Every Night (see below) and it doesnt help that the male lead is none other than my favourite Korean nam-za 이동건 :)

just... let me die in this romantic ambiance in my lil' room under the pouring rain. i have yet to start my revision for Thursday's paper. oh! my 이동건:)

totally not disgusted by myself,
the korean wife wannabe.


an said...

so what time u end on thurs? i end at 11am at exhibition hall. we can meet so i can see ur red hair!!