Sep 10, 2008

A happy procrastinator I am.

School work started kicking in last week. I spent my weekend with Ji Hyun, Byong Min and Nai Yan in the studio doing site model and ppt for the current urban design project. Last night, I went back to the dormitory at 2.30am to find myself being locked outside. Thankfully Hui Xian and Adeline were still awake and manage to wake up the guard to unlock the doors for me. Phew. A mere 2.5hrs of sleep later, I find myself getting ready for studio again.

Welcome to my studio! Ok, now i really cherish what I have in NUS!

My group's site model.

Site model by Wei Qi's group.

The Korean students preparing their presentation in english. It is not easy for them but they are really hardworking.

Ying Ying K.O. before the presentation! Poor girl went back to the dormitory only at 7am this morning!

I like working with them! L-R: Byong Min, Ji Hyun and Nai Yan. Although Ji Hyun is 1 year younger than me, she takes great care of me in school! She bought me biscuits today! Im thankful for having such great company here.

Our site model!

A group of camwhores! teeheehee!

Nai Yan fixing our model at the eleventh hour.

Design project aside, I have to complete a set of quiz for my History of Western Architecture module by tomorrow evening. The procrastinator in me shall start cracking my brains when I wake up tomorrow.

Yut is a happy girl whenever she stocks up her food! A trip to Lotte Mart today made my day! I love grocery shopping! Trust me, starvation is the last on Yut's list of Possible Causes of Death.

I first stock up my food in early september, about 2 weeks ago?

And my latest loot - Tuna, assorted biscuits, assorted sandwich spread, cup noodles, cereal and fruits.

I am VERY happy today because Korean lessons finally started! This is perhaps the only subject I came to Korea for. I have been waiting for this day to come ever since I know I am coming for the exchange programme! I want to work hard for this subject, and I will work hard for this subject.

I guess everyone is just as excited! Its been a long time since I see active class participation :)

유팅, 화이팅! :))

My chinese name, 玉婷 means 옥정(Og Jung) in Korean. It sounds terrible isn't it!? I learned that such name is very outdated in Korea! Its almost as good as... Rosemary? Like a country bumpkin! Grrrrr!

Wei Qi and Richard made it worse by calling me 억정(Orc Jung)! "Og" was bad and a mispronounced "Orc" was worse! It doesnt help that my studio mates are teasing me about it, and even my prof makes fun of me! Boooooo!

I preferred to be called 유팅(youting), the direct translation from my english name!!