Sep 1, 2008

21st with lovely colleagues!

FINALLY! I had no internet access for the past 1 week and hence my disappearance from the cyber world if you actually noticed. After my birthday, I made a last minute decision to go Yeosu with some of my friends for 3D2N and when I returned, I realised that I needed my school identification number to access the internet! Obviously I didnt have my ID no. then and so please imagine my agony and boredom for the past few days!

Alright stop whining. Time to keep you folks updated about my birthday!

Although I merely interned for a month at Yujin Int'l Architecture Firm, I've grew so attached to the people there and after knowing my colleagues and the student leader, Sung Wook, I must say Koreans are very very good hosts. They made me feel at home and more than often, I felt indebted to them for their kind attention.

One fine day during lunch Weiqi mentioned about my 21st birthday and my colleagues immediately planned a celebration for me on my last day of work! (You see, my last day of work was 22nd Aug and my birthday was after that weekend!) I felt extremely pampered when I see my colleagues clapped their hands in joy planning where to go for a simple dinner and movie for the celebration. I mean, Im only a 1-month intern! Awwwwwww, that was very very sweet of them :)

We went to a Chinese restaurant with a Hongkie chef! The interior was delightfully pleasant, perhaps the accompany plays a part too :)

My lovely colleagues! The pretty lady on the left is actually 32 years old but she look like shes only in her early 20s! Moreover, she's married! Korean women certainly takes good care of their complexion!

They bought me a surprise birthday cake! The cakes here are nicely done up, regardless of the price! I think I will find Singapore's cake too plain-looking when Im back =X More photos of lovely cakes up next time!

Look at the candles! Not only are they long and thin, my colleague, Mr Mun, bent them into dancing candles! I think the birthday cake packaging in Korea which includes matchsticks, candles and party poppers simply adds fun to the joyous occasion!

Here's Mr Mun bending the candles gently. He is a funny young chap in the office! I blew the candles after my colleagues sang me a birthday song and before I could cut a slice of it for everyone, they asked me to share the cake with my Singaporean friends back in the dormitory! How sweet of them isn't it?

Alright, so here comes one of the Chinese dishes! I forgot what was the name of the dish but it does reminded me of the Chinese Gu-Lu-Yok hahahaha! Thank you, my colleagues! I stopped taking photos of all the other dishes because I guess everyone is too hungry to wait for me to take pictures!!

A very typical cinema, just like what we have in Singapore.

Guess what show we caught?

CJ 7!!!!

Yes its CJ 7, the movie I watched during Chinese New Year in early 2008! They started screening the movie in Korea only on 21st Aug! As the Korean movies here didn't have English or Chinese subtitles, it was quite difficult to decide on a movie for everyone so I didn't tell my colleagues that I've watched the movie half a year ago hahahaha! Well, its always a different experience when you do the same thing with different people isnt it? I truly enjoyed myself that day, even though I am not the sort who will watch a same movie twice no matter how good the ratings were!

Mr Mun treated everyone popcorn and drinks! They refused to let me pay!

Isnt it a thoughtful design? 2 straw holes for couple drinks :) Apparently we have 3 people sharing a drink that day lah!

Yep, I brought the cake back to my dorm that night and shared with my friends!

Even the box is pretty! Look at the party poppers!

Ah! Check out this knife! It has a secret compartment!

Ta-da! It can be opened to keep a match stick for your candles! Another thoughful design isnt it?! You can find this in every birthday cake actually :)

I felt so loved! I miss my colleagues so much! We still keep in contact via email occasionally to date! I cant wait to collect my Korean cellphone later to sms my colleagues! More birthday updates in my later post!

Yut is going to school now! I am very excited about the Fall semester! First lecture of the semester: Architectural Planning blah blah blah (I forgot the module name!) at 2pm!

More to come:
  • Meet my Korean buddy, Clair!
  • My 21st Birthday in Seoul
  • A big hug to my friends in SG on 250808!
  • Heyri - Art Village and Book City with my colleagues!
  • Yeosu getaway 270808 - 290808
  • Hanyang University @ Ansan Campus - My room and my identity card!

I've nv felt so rushed for time to blog! Never ever!

PS// Im listening to Sun Yan Zi's songs now and I miss nothing but PARTYWORLD! The shiny gold membership card is gathering dust in my vintage cigar case!


Anonymous said...

u've had so much fun in koreaaa!
so envious!