Aug 20, 2008

They reminded me of you

pardpard! Are you married already? lol im v ganchiong for u lah! I don wanna miss your wedding k! I see many cute kids in Korea and I nv fail to think of u! Alamak!

This very nice Onitsuka boutique reminded me of you, SQ! Too bad the shoes arnt wihin your budget =X I'll check out more Onitsuka if I see any!

Daddy!! You wanna buy DSLR? I am very tempted to get one! Now I know how you feel! The pictures turn out very nice! I Love DSLR now! Heehee! I see DSLR I thought of you everytime!

A big McDonald's! Their bulgogi burger taste fantastic! How can one not be reminded of Singapore when they see McD?

That was how we showed our patriotism on National Day :) Bringing the flag here is probably the smartest thing Dish had done ;)

Kopitiam Kaya Toast!! How not to be reminded of Singapore?! Unfortunately Huixian tried the kaya toast and said they taste horrible =( Ah, whata shame.

Waffles!! You know how proud I am of Simei's waffle from Mirana Cakehouse! I miss Simei!!

I see kitty I think of ah neh instantly! Ah Neh!! I miss you!! Btw we went to a hello kitty exhibition few weks ago, photos later ;)

Somehow Ti-amo reminded me of Kimte! You haven't bring me to the not-happening-enuff-cafe at downtown east! Have u used the ti-amo 1-for-1 voucher? Heehee! I miss u too, my man-o-man!

Uhhhh Krispy Kreme! I thought of you, mel! Thanks for warming up the doughnut u bought from aussie! You want korean krispy kreme? Hahahaha! I can warm it up for u too when Im back hahaha!

YES LAH! JEREMY YOU KNOW THIS IS FOR YOU! no real tennis here is real boring and so i succumb to VIRTUAL TENNIS! Muahahhaahaha! Despite me strongly against e idea of buying a PSP, I think its really fun and useful during boring train rides! Sorry Kimte, ur PSP was a good buy! =X

EHhh I play virtual tennis also very serious ok, coach! Wait for my Maria shot when Im back!

Of course this is for no one else but Ah Song! Im still hunting for a useful Crayon Shinchan product for you! I've seen countless labi items which are either useless or fake! Miss ya loads! Hope im still in ur wallpaper! ;)

Ah. I so gonna miss all of you this birthday :(


Anonymous said...

EH MARIA Guo, u playing the mini-games rite, hit the nums to score bingo. Ur coach eyes vv sharp de hor! virtual or real tennis i both also zai! LOL

Yut said...


Anonymous said...

i see your BIG RED BOLD PARDPARD i very HIGH!
not to worry, i'll wait for u to be back here before i do anything foolish!!

Yut said...

Hahaha! till now you still thinking of doing something foolish! lol! Miss ya too!

Anonymous said...


wah the kitty is so big!!! so cute!!! and thanks for highlighting AH NEH in bold and red. how nice of u. HURHUR. now all ur friends know u've got friends who are pard, ah neh, ah song n kimte. WONDERFUL!

u still never fail to surprise and torture us even though u r on foreign land. HAHA

and maybe by the time u r back, AN is going to be more high tech. HAHA


Anonymous said...

hahaaa i see those la bi i also very high ah!! but yes, i want sth useful only!! hehe...

miss you gal!!
you are still on my wallpaper! ;)