May 17, 2008

See ya all in 8 months time

Its been a week since Chialing left for California and we are all beginning to miss her presence! It doesnt help when we all realised that the next time we meet again will be in 2009, since we shd be in Korea by the time she is back.

I like the congee from Imperial Treasure @ T1.

USD! Cant wait for my turn to use it!

梦幻Poh Liang and me

Chialing, we are going JB on Monday (SG TIME HOR!)!

My first photo with Zhongx, haha!

Chacha and Wei Qi.

Sweet! For the 1000001th time, the gf is preeeeeetty!

You can do it

So can I! WAhahahaha!

Zic left for ALASKA on the same day! ALASKA siaaaaaaaaa!

Everyone who sent Sharm, Zhe Qing and Chialing off to the States.

Whats with the pose, young man?! Muahaha Caught ya!

Michelle! My 1st friend in NUS, whom I admire for pursuing her interest in visual design in Raffles Design Institute after a year in Architecture. MY HERO!

The height difference seemed inevitable despite any angle! We've tried really hard!

Alright, now who's leaving SG?

Ching Hei left for Alaska with Zic that day. ALASKA! Once in a lifetime man!

I love taking photo with him! He nv run out of expressions!



Crazy fellas!

Zic and I

I realised that I had never taken a picture with Dish!

Alas, Zhiwei decided to bend down. Don't he look like taking neoprints!

We heard that its hard to get internet access in Alaska! Hope you guys are doing well there! Cya all in 2009!


Anonymous said...

nice. feel like it was only yesterday when i see u guys.
miss u all badly:)
